Caught an interesting article about a plumber who noticed his logo on the side of a poor-man's anti-aircraft truck in news coverage coming out of Syria. Seems he'd traded in his pick-up on a new truck, assuming that the auto dealer would take the logo off the side before selling it. Besides being mistaken on that count, he'd little idea that the international used pick-up truck market extended to the Islamic State's military in Syria.
I learned my lesson about removing logos several years ago. I had an old production van to sell; I find I get better prices advertising a vehicle on the street corner than I do at the dealer. Same day I put the van at the front end of my driveway with a "for sale" sign on it, I sold it - full asking price, cash money. Didn't think to take the decals off.
Couple of weeks later, I got a call from Immigration. My van had just helped smuggle a fair number of informal immigrants into Arizona (panel vans, it seems, are superior for smuggling; pickups, on the other hand, are easier to convert to artillery platforms). My logo (big and colorful - it always pays to advertise) had my phone number attached. The nice fellow from Immigration was curious about my connection with the smuggling ring.
After a good deal of 'splaining (as Ricky would say to Lucy), I was off the hook.
I did, in a spirit of cooperation with the federal agency, suggest that if he could return the van to me, I'd be happy to put the same sign in the window, and park it again in my drive. The idea was that I could call Immigration the moment it was sold, fax them a fresh photo of van and logo, and give them an easier time identifying the next cargo. And then they could return the van to me.
Immigration could have a series of easy catches, and I'd have a new profit center.
Immigration has no sense of humor.