Good article in Cleanlink, "Janitors Should Wear Gloves and Face Masks...."
"Frequent hand washing has been promoted universally by public health officials for many years; however, the importance of using gloves as an infection control tool goes along with hand washing. Hands are kept cleaner and do not spread harmful organisms nearly as often when protected by a glove barrier. Gloves should be worn by all janitorial workers when cleaning and handling chemicals. OSHA requires that gloves be worn when using almost every commercial chemical. Certainly this is a good practice from a worker safety perspective but it is equally important regarding infection control."
We stress gloves (latex or other), most especially when cleaning restrooms and lunchrooms, and throughout the facility. We also stress safety glasses, when cleaning restrooms (think splashing bowl acid in ones eyes) and when mixing chemicals. Face-masks are useful when in contact with or working around others; as we only do after-hours cleaning, face-masks are of less benefit to our people or our clients. (In passing, if doing day cleaning, I wonder about the decidedly mixed message one would be sending to the office workers one is working around, who generally do not wear face masks at their desks.)
We clean for health. When I keep my people healthy, they're at work and I don't have to be; when I keep my client healthy, he can send me checks.